Scary Fun Raw Beetroot Garlic Cashew Dip!

Hello and welcome,
Maria-Carin Gala here from Gala's Organic Kitchen. I'm your weekly Loose blogger, bringing you a wholesome seasonal recipe every week using ingredients that you can get at Loose!
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Halloween is coming up this weekend, so I have a bright pink dip recipe for you that's vegan and gluten-free and absolutely delicious.
The recipe comes from my cookbook Lick Your Plate, which is now available at Loose and makes a great gift for yourself or someone else. You can read the sample copy in the shop and feel the world's most eco-friendly printing in your own hands!
Loose has lots of other local artisan gifts too.
To read this blog post from my website from last year along with the recipe click here. Alternatively, here is the recipe:
Raw Beetroot Garlic Cashew Dip
The sweetness of the beetroot and the cashews paired with awakening garlic and lemon give this dip a smooth, but zingy touch. Wonderful with Spicy Almond Pulp Protein Crackers (recipe in my book) and Buckwheat and Roasted Rosemary Roots (recipe in my book). You will need a good mixer or blender for this. This dip is also nice with veggie sticks, or in a wrap. Fear not if you don’t eat it all at once, store in the fridge for up to 3 days, or the freezer for many more, but if you thaw it make sure to remix it just before serving. Let’s go!
1 cup cashews, soaked in water about 4-8 hours
1 small beetroot, about 100g
1/2 cup rice milk, or more
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp lemon juice, and / or apple cider vinegar to taste
1 garlic clove
Salt to taste
Peel and cut your beetroot.
Strain cashews and discard soaking water.
Blend everything until nice and smooth.
Taste test and adjust with animal-friendly milk to desired consistency and please do add enough vinegar or lemon for that nice tang.
Beetroots are said to be important for cardiovascular health and the liver, improve circulation and purify your blood. Beetroots are high in iron and are a rich source of antioxidants; they have anti-inflammatory properties and provide support in detoxification. You can eat the vegetable and green leafy part, cook the greens like you would spinach. If your wee turns red do not to worry, you’ve just indulged in a lot of beetroot.
Garlic promotes blood circulation, improves healthy bacteria in intestines and helps eliminate yeast, unfriendly bacteria and toxins. Garlic helps get rid of bad cholesterol residue on the arteries walls, as well as do onions and is most effective eaten raw.
Have a good working week and a scary, fun and exciting weekend!
Maria-Carin Gala from Gala’s Organic Kitchen, on behalf of Loose the plastic-free shop in Stroud.
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