Welcome 2021 a brand new start and recipe!

Hello Loose shoppers,
We hope the start of 2021 has been smooth and safe for you and your friends and family.
We are back to normal opening hours from 10 to 4 Monday to Saturday, see you in the shop.
Presumably, after the Christmas feastings and new years celebrations, you might be doing a little bit of a detox this month, is that right?
We have just the recipe for you to assist you, nourish you, and satisfy your tastebuds. May we introduce you, If you don't already know about it: Kitchari. Kitchari also spelled kedgeree is a hearty warming thick and delicious complete protein vegan meal that you can eat for lunch, dinner but also breakfast. There are many opinions about how to make it but we've got Gala's Organic Kitchens' recipe here for you.
She is also offering an online cooking class this Saturday at 9:30am London time to make her Kitchari. It's by donations or free, you choose. Sign up here. Or email her at ohyes(@)galasorganickitchen.com
Also, January is the time to try a vegan challenge called Veganuary. Click on the link and sign up for free to receive lots of amazing nutritional advice and recipes.
Now, let's get to the recipe: Gala’s Healing Kitchari excerpt from Lick Your Plate a vegan and gluten-free cookbook available at Loose.
You can find all the dry ingredients at Loose! Yay!
I love how making kitchari makes the house smell divine and therefore activates one's digestive juices. By the time the kitchari is cooked your stomach will be ready for it! This recipe is my interpretation of this Indian classic. Nice and simple. Nourishing, tasty and very affordable. This yogic cleansing dish is a complete protein in itself, how good is that? When I first ate kitchari I enjoyed the feeling in my body, and I have kept it up my sleeve for when I feel the need for grounding, cleansing, resetting and nourishment. If you make some pappadums to go with it and perhaps a little Coconut Coriander Chutney (page 203) or Apple Date Tamarind Chutney (page 205), then you’ve got yourself a decadent dinner affair. However, this also makes a perfect savoury breakfast. Enjoy followed by Chai (page 37) and yoga nidra.
1 cup basmati rice
1/2 cup mung beans
5 cups water
1 carrot, about 120g chopped into small pieces
1 zucchini, about 120g chopped into small pieces
2 stalks celery, about 80g, chopped into small pieces
2 cups or 150g pumpkin, chopped into small pieces
2 tbsp coconut oil
11/2 tsp cumin seeds, roasted and crushed
11/2 tsp coriander seeds, roasted and crushed
11/2 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp turmeric
2 bay leaves
2 tbsp ginger, chopped very finely or grated 2 tsp salt
1/4-1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
5 leaves of spinach or kale, about 60g
Optional marvellous addition: Pinch hing / asafoetida
Garnish and serve with
Freshly chopped coriander
1 lemon or lime, in wedges, for drizzling For dinner: pappadums, fried in coconut oil
Soak rice and beans overnight in water to cover generously. Strain in the morning and add the fresh water.
Bring to a boil and simmer with the bay leaves and turmeric.
Cut the vegetables into small cubes.
Add the longer cooking vegetables such as celery and carrot and continue to simmer.
After about 20 minutes add the salt, pumpkin and zucchini. Simmer until everything is mushy and soft, then add the kale towards the end.
Let sit a few minutes to infuse its magic.
Heat the coconut oil in a small pan and add the ginger, mustard seeds, cumin and coriander and fry gently until seeds begin to pop. Add a pinch of cayenne and now add all the spices to the kitchari.
The longer and slower you cook the kitchari the more warming it becomes and in my opinion tastier.
Mix lovingly with a wooden spoon and serve with a garnish of coriander, a wedge of lime or lemon, and some pappadums.
Tip: experiment with different vegetable combinations, but do keep them in small pieces. You can even make kitchari with quinoa instead of rice. Did you know that deep breathing can aid your digestion?
Enjoy, from the team at Loose.
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