We're at the Stroud Farmers Markets 30th October 2021!


Thank you for your ongoing support by shopping plastic-free, at Loose — our local zero-waste shop in Stroud. We love serving you.

We’ve got some exciting Christmassy goodies coming up!

We’ll be at the Stroud Farmers’ Market this Saturday with some of our high-quality raw vegan chocolates, and early low-impact Christmas presents. A taster of what we have in store. 

Warming Lentil Soup

Hello Loose shoppers,

How about getting into the good old lentils, in particular brown lentils? They're warming, grounding and delicious. You can find them at Loose and they cost next to nothing.

I grew up with a step-father who was German and took cooking very seriously. He and my Slovak mother became vegetarian when I was only a year old, and endeavoured to find vegetarian alternatives to dishes they loved. I have based this recipe on a vegan version of a German lentil soup he used to make.