Exciting Brown Rice Salad from Australia

Hello Loose shoppers,
Do you need a new recipe idea for brown rice?
Loose stocks so many different types of rice. Long-grain, short-grain, Basmati white, Basmati brown, Sushi, Jasmine rice! Come and check them out. The nuts and seeds at Loose are also great value, organic and fresh.
I bet you haven’t made this recipe before! A multi-instrumentalist from Sydney, Trevor Brown, created this one and allowed me to pop it in my cookbook Lick Your Plate!
If you’re a visual type like me, then you might benefit from seeing it made in just 2:58 minutes, watch the video of it on YouTube here!
Brown Rice Salad à la Trevor Brown with Kale Beetroot Avocado and Sesame
Trevor Brown is a freelance composer, multi-instrumentalist, improviser, director, producer, sound designer, occasional academic and radio presenter and generally an interesting person that you just have to love. He also makes the best brown rice salads and he has allowed me to share this recipe with you. When you hear his music you will surely be able to imagine that his food creations taste really very unique and delicious, but captivating despite their ease. Check out trevorbrownmusic.com. This macrobiotic dish was one of my first few encounters with incredibly healthy and sexy delicious food, many many moons ago, that I will never forget.
2 cups brown rice
4 cups water
Pinch salt
6 x 6cm piece kombu
8 leaves kale
1 bunch spring onions 2 garlic cloves
1 medium beetroot
1 ripe avocado
Olive oil
2 tbsp tamari
1/2 red capsicum, chopped finely 2 tbsp sultanas
2 tbsp toasted sesame oil 1 tbsp umeboshi vinegar
1 tbsp tamari and salt, to taste
1 tbsp fresh ginger, chopped very finely
2-4 tbsp roasted sesame seeds
To garnish
Fresh coriander
Few more roasted sesame seeds
Soak the rice in water overnight and strain it in the morning.
Add fresh water so that there is a thumb tip amount of water covering the rice and bring it to the boil with a pinch of salt and kombu, if you found the latter in the shops. If not, leave it out, no worries.
Cook with the lid on until perfectly ready.
Slice the kale and spring onion and fry both with olive oil.
Then add garlic and tamari, and fry everything until nice and golden brown. However, be gentle on the heat so as not to burn the garlic, otherwise it loses its flavour.
Grate the beetroot. Cut the avocado.
In a big beautiful salad bowl throw everything together, the avocado last or it will turn to mush.
Add the dressing ingredients and mix well.
Now it’s time for the avocado.
Garnish with the sesame seeds, freshly chopped coriander and devour!
Maria-Carin Gala from Gala’s Organic Kitchen, on behalf of Loose the plastic-free shop in Stroud.
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