Savoury snacking: Super Seeded Crackers

Hello Loose shoppers,

It's a foggy winter's day and even though a warming stew would be a suitable recipe to share, we think you're pretty good at throwing those together yourself. But how about a healthy protein-rich and tasty cracker recipe?

We all know that we like to snack throughout the day, right? And how to avoid going for the 'bad stuff', but instead reach for a protein-mineral-good-fats-rich cracker to go with your favourite hummus?

Exciting Brown Rice Salad from Australia

Hello Loose shoppers,

Do you need a new recipe idea for brown rice?

Loose stocks so many different types of rice. Long-grain, short-grain, Basmati white, Basmati brown, Sushi, Jasmine rice! Come and check them out. The nuts and seeds at Loose are also great value, organic and fresh.

I bet you haven’t made this recipe before! A multi-instrumentalist from Sydney, Trevor Brown, created this one and allowed me to pop it in my cookbook Lick Your Plate!